東京科学大学 環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系. クロス研究室
Institute of Science Tokyo, School of Environment and Society
Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
Tokyo Tech welcomes talented overseas university students, researchers and faculty to collaborate on research projects. A number of programs are available to support students, faculty and researchers living expenses as noted below depending upon their educational level, affiliation and qualifications. Tokyo Tech's Three Schools of Engineering also manage two research exchange programs for graduate students from select universities in Asia, Oceania, USA, and EU under the names of SERP and AOTULE. Further information about AOTULE can be found here.
For overseas students, there are two different exchange programs: YSEP and ACAP these programs are managed by the Tokyo Tech international office that support inbound students for 6 to 12 months. Students enrolled at a university with an exchange agreement with Tokyo Tech are only eligible to apply.
Students seeking to apply for graduate degrees program at Tokyo Tech, the International Graduate Program which permits students to apply for admission after completing a Bachelor or Master degree overseas. The graduate courses are taught in English. Japanese language skill is not required, although learning survival Japanese is encouraged. Tokyo Tech does not accept transfer students.
In the case of faculty, post-doctoral researchers and visiting researchers, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) encourages researchers and faculty worldwide to collaborate with colleagues at Japanese universities and research institutes. JSPS offers various fellowship programs, each with different eligibility requirements. Tokyo Tech also supports faculty visits of ten days or longer and calls for applications are available upon request. JSPS and JST also support international research collaborations on various themes.
Visiting Researchers
In the Cross lab, each year there are a few opportunities for visiting researchers to join the lab to support the lab’s research activity and support students' research. Please contact Prof. Cross directly if interested in joining the lab as a visiting researcher and be prepared to explain your motivation, research plan and the expected outcome from an academic point of view and/or mutual benefits.