東京科学大学 環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系. クロス研究室
Institute of Science Tokyo, School of Environment and Society
Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
Research funding
The laboratory receives funding from Tokyo Tech to support Prof. Cross's teaching and research activity. Lab members regularly apply for research grants from JST, JSPS and NEDO as well as from other sources. In 2020, the lab received a Japan Society for the Promotion Science (JSPS) ¥8,580,000, 5 year basic research grant to conduct research on developing and testing a Personalized Online Adaptive Learning System, grant # 20H01719. POALS is a web-based learning management system (LMS) that can be adapted to popular LMS such as open edX, and Moodle. It helps learners succeed in an online learning environment by training them metacognitive skills in order to be autonomous learners. We introduce adaptive learning to personalize the learning experience. The systems supports the instructor by utilzing an analytics dashboard that gives implicit feedback about the students leaning progress so the instructor can provide interventions, if necessary.
In 2023, the lab began conducting research in flow batteries with Japanese companies, universities in Japan and Greece. The lab was awarded a research grant from Japan's New Enery Development Organization (NEDO) but the grant was retracted due to a start-up company withdrawing from the project.
External funding from donations or joint corporate research collaborations are welcome on research topics related to on-going laboratory that impact the environment, improve online education, renewable energy policy and biofuels R&D. Donations earmarked to the Cross lab are welcome and can be made to the Tokyo Tech School of Environment and Society via the online donation form.